Sunday, October 26, 2008

working on the house

Last summer (07) I was consumed with worry over the looming demise of my school. I didn't accomplish much other than a whole bunch of sock knitting. This summer (08) we got a lot done on the house, and I still added several new pairs to my sock drawer.

We scraped and painted the side of the house, and worked on the porch spindles:

I also installed a much-needed and long overdue walk around the front garden. I got concrete pavers for this project. It was easier and cheaper than the flagstone I'd planned, and I was pleased with the result:

I really want to get back to my thinking (out loud) about alternative education, but I am so freaking busy actually alternatively educating, I just don't have time. I'm hoping to get back into it after the fall semester ends and my adjunct teaching responsibilities end. Until then, I'll leave you with a link to my new favorite Camp Creek Blog. I agree with almost everything she has to say, and that's really saying something. Thanks to JoVE of Tricotomania for turning me on to a new blog.


Anonymous said...

Just thinking about scraping paint gives me the willies -- not the work itself, but the scraping sound! I'm sure it feels good to have that done. And the walk does look good.

Anonymous said...

I like your walk. Must think about that for part of our garden. I've been imagining stepping stones with creeping thyme or something but not getting around to doing anything with that piece.

Those concrete pavers might work for another imaginary project that involves a circle under the tree for chairs and table. That little imagining always falls down on the public nature of the space (front garden) though the shade there is so nice.

Glad you like Camp Creek. I thought you would.

Anonymous said...

thank you so much, and i look forward to talking with you more - it seems like we have a *lot* in common!

thanks, jove, for recommending my blog!